
What your company says and does about climate crisis is more than an academic or political discussion. There are real-world consequences. According to a new report from carbon removal marketplace Supercritical, 35% of office workers they surveyed said they were willing to quit their
jobs over weak climate action from their employers, with that figure increasing to 53% for Gen Z employees.

It’s being called ‘climate quitting’ and the trend is gaining strength every day. Even more, many of the Gen Zers who are quitting aren’t doing it so quietly. In fact, they are making public videos and posting them on social media, sharing what they see as problematic positions their former employers have on climate crisis. Their videos have a direct effect on other talent that may be interested in the company. For a number of years I’ve reported on younger professionals are much more concerned about social issues than their predecessors. Now, they are in positions to make noise about their views…

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