
If you’re not making peace with change, the next few years are going to be hell for you. We are entering into a time of hyper change. It’s a technology-driven moment in time where change will be rapid, continuous and intense. This kind of change could cause “future shock”, that is, our inability to manage life because change overwhelms us. It’s not that change isn’t happening all the time. It’s just that this time we will feel different because it may completely bury our ability to adapt. Fortunately, there are everyday tools that are right in front of us to help us manage our stress levels, strengthen our ability to cope and fortify a more positive view of future events. 

Have a conversation with your elders. A readily available source of wisdom and knowledge are your grandparents. They’ve seen things we can only imagine and have experienced change during difficult times. Get a tape recorder and ask them how they became adaptive and resilient during difficult days. Don’t miss out on their experience. It can be a gold mine. …https://medium.com/@chet_69752/6a30cc551c38?source=friends_link&sk=64a24e21aabf7a718aa6a04ab65bf030

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